Friday, October 24, 2008

Mario Badescu - Acne Products Guide

Hello beauty Queens!

Many thanks for all your recent enquiries for our Mario Badescu Acne products ranges. 

To assist everyone with your queries on how to zip out those dreadful pimples, here's a detailed explanation of some of the key acne products:


Mario Badescu world famous blemish treatment that will dry up whiteheads overnight. This 

product will prevent irritation from breakouts as well, due to the Calamine content. It is not to be 

shaken, so allow the contents to settle to the bottom of the container. Dip a cotton swab down to 

the bottom and pull it straight back up, and apply a small drop n to those pimples that have 

surfaced in whitehead form. 

This product is only effective on those blemishes that have come to a whitehead or have risen above the surface of the skin.

 Dry up surface pimples overnight (whiteheads)



This treatment works as effectively as the Drying lotion, but on blemished that are underneath the surface of the skin, 

it has a light concealing quality so it can be used during the day and under make-up. This cream should be 

recommended to anyone who has pimples that will not come up to a whitehead. It is also an effective drying 

and healing treatment for pimples that are inflamed and infected due to unsanitary and improper at – home 



- An effective treatment to dry up small pimples that appear as raised bumps in oily areas of skin.

 - Best for combition/ oily to oily skin 


This is a concentrated, sulfur based, oil free cream that will speed up the healing process of irritated, red acne skin. 

It has two main components : Balsam Peru to minimize redness and irritation and Sulfur to ensure that the blemish 

is healing properly

- Sulfur based cream, speeds the healing process of blemished skin and prevents scarring

- Smoothes redness and irritation from delicate healing skin with Balsam Peru


Ideally used as a protective barrier and an overall treatment for erupted areas, this is the 

only product specially designed to target and prevent deep, cystic blemishes. It’s sulfur 

content and lightweight consistency allows the lotion to be aborbed into the skin, 

penetrating and treating the source of the deeper rooted pimples and can be used in 

conjunction with Mario Badescu masks; simply apply under and after mask onto affected 


    -   Excellent spot treatment for cystic acne (blemishes that are deeply rooted)

     -  To help spot treat aggressive cysts, apply 1 drop to the affected area using  finger tip, then apply a thin layer of the drying Mask over it. Wait for 15  minutes, rinse off and reapply a drop of the Buffering lotion.










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